

Maria Eugenia Sad is Assistant Research of CONICET at the Institute of Research on Catalysis and Petrochemistry (INCAPE), Santa Fe, Argentina. She obtained her Chemical Engineer and Food Engineer degrees from UNL (March 2003). She is also Doctor in Chemical Engineering of UNL (August 2007). Her thesis was about “Production of fine chemical products by para-selective alkylation” and was supervised by Prof. Carlos Apesteguía and Dr. Cristina Padró as director and co-director, respectively. She was also Postdoctoral fellow at University of California at Berkeley in LSAC group. During her stay at Berkeley, her director was Prof. Enrique Iglesia and she worked on “Selective removal of oxygen from biomass by carbon monoxide”. Her current research is about valorization of bioresources using heterogeneous catalysis.

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